Currently collecting questionnaires from parents and whānau

Last month, questionnaires were emailed and posted out to participating parents and whānau who signed up in February 2018. If you received a questionnaire, we look forward to hearing about your child’s digital skills, and how you can be better supported to help your child develop cognitive and social skills in digital environments. There are no right or wrong answers and we welcome your honesty!

Please note that the closing dates for submitting your questionnaire are:

  • 1 July for parents of children in years 3-4
  • 1 July for parents of children in years 5–9

If you have misplaced your questionnaire but would still like to participate, please email the project leader, Angela McNicholl.

Parents who participated in Phase One of Developing in Digital Worlds are invited to take a look at our findings by clicking on the banner below: